Brand Refresh for DTP Group
  • Client: DTP Group
  • Industry: Technology
  • What we did: Print, Ui, Visual Identity, Website Build

Brand Refresh

DTP Group, a prominent technology services and solutions provider, sought to preserve their current logo while refreshing their brand elements. We creatively deconstructed the logo, extracting shapes to fashion a distinctive pattern for their visual identity. Employing a vibrant colour palette against a navy background laid the foundation for their forthcoming image. This design philosophy seamlessly extended to the website we crafted, ensuring a cohesive integration of their revitalised brand.

Yorkshire Campaign

Rooted in Yorkshire, DTP desired to proudly showcase their origins while serving clients nationwide and appealing to local businesses. Our landscape concept, complemented by compelling strap lines, perfectly captured their vision. The campaign was executed on various social media platforms.

DTP Zero

DTP Zero is fully committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2025. We designed a new logo for them and collaborated on various carbon-neutral projects. The latest campaign involves developing impactful concepts for t-shirts to raise awareness about critical global warming issues.